时代百大 2011 蔡美儿

引言:《美国时代杂志 TIME Magazine》每年都会选出全球最具影响力的首百人,他们来自各行各业,不同的阶层和族裔。《时代》指出:Their ideas spark dialogue and dissent and sometimes even revolution (他们的观点或行动引发对话、争议甚至革命)。 今年入选华人有八位,包括美国虎妈蔡美儿、维权艺术家艾未未、中国国防部长梁光烈、中国互动媒体集团执行长洪晃、中国国家副主席习近平、《财经》杂志前总编辑胡舒立、新浪网执行长兼总裁曹国伟和台湾慈济创办人证严法师。有关入选者的个人档案,网上很容易可以搜到,梵婗只想在此分享《时代》内的报导 (也就是美国人的角度),以及自己的一点感想。

蔡美儿 Amy Chua

Amy Chua, 48, started a firestorm when she published her memoir, Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother. When an entire nation reacts so strongly to something, you know you have hit a nerve. And Amy did. She hit us where it hurts, questioning our parenting, our kids’ educational achievement and our nation’s ability to compete globally in today’s world.

Unlike the excerpt that appeared in the Wall Street Journal, titled (not by her) “Why Chinese Mothers Are Superior,” Amy’s book is a nuanced story of how her parenting had to evolve to take into account the differences between her children. Parenting is hard and humbling for all of us. If there were a right way to raise your kids, everyone would do it. Clearly that’s not the case. In China, this book is being marketed as a tale about the importance of giving children more Western freedom.

Few have the guts to parent in public. Amy’s memoir is brutally honest, and her willingness to share her struggles is a gift. Whether or not you agree with her priorities and approach, she should be applauded for raising these issues with a thoughtful, humorous and authentic voice.

And by the way, I’ve met her daughters. They are both phenomenal.

~by Sheryl Sandberg, Chief Operating Officer of Facebook





~推荐自 Facebook 营运总监 Sheryl Sandberg


自《Wall Street Journal 华尔街日报》刊出《 Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother 虎妈的战歌》的摘录后,一连数星期,每天都有中外朋友给我相关报导的链接,问我是否认同。我为著不想替人家书本作宣传,一直不愿写博文发表意见。

美国教育问题一向是传媒焦点,政府多年来不断削减教育经费,学生水平在全球榜上有下滑迹象,大学学费每年增长远超通胀……这些都是社会关注的。一般人都认为亚裔学生成绩比其他学生成绩好,在常春藤学府 (ivy league schoools) 的学生中,亚裔学生人数比例不少,西方家长是留意到的。所以,当《华尔街日报》以《Why Chinese Mothers Are Superior 为什么中国母亲更优越》为标题的文章刊出,立时引来巨大回应,绝对可以理解。

近日 Tiger Mom 虎妈 有了「对手」,一位旅居中国北京的美国男作家 Alan Paul,自称「Panda Dad 熊猫爸爸 」 ,并公然挑战虎妈教育法。Alan Paul 来自美国 New Jersey 新泽西,曾经随到中国工作的妻子在北京住了三年半,育有三个孩子。Alan Paul 把多年来在 《华尔街日报》上的专栏《The Expat Life 老外在中国》编撰成 《Big in China, My Unlikely Adventures Raising a Family, Playing the Blues and Becoming a Star in Beijing 》于数月前出版。他的教育宗旨是要将孩子培养成独立、能干、自信的成年人,我觉得这个原则正就是西方一般培育孩子的理念。



My dogs can’t do anything–and what a relief. I don’t make any demands of them, and I don’t try to shape them or their future. For the most part, I trust them to make the right choices for themselves. I always look forward to seeing them, and I love just watching them sleep. What a great relationship.
Amy Chuo



During our first weeks in Beijing, we attended a talent show at our children’s British school and watched Chinese students ascend the stage and play Chopin etudes and Beethoven symphonies, while their Western counterparts ambled up and proudly played the ABCs under their flapping arms. It was enough to make anyone pause and ponder the way we are raising our kids.

But time in China also taught me that while some here view a Chinese education as the gold standard, many there are questioning the system, noting that it stifles creativity and innovation, two things the nation sorely needs. ” — Alan Paul

在我们到北京后的初期,我们到孩子的英式学校参观了一个才艺表演,看到中国学生在台上弹奏萧邦练习曲和贝多芬的交响乐。而来自西方的孩子就缓步赶上,自豪地表演简单的 ABC。这就足以让任何人停下来思考中西培养孩子方式的不同之处。

但留在中国的时间久了,我明白到:当我们在这儿 (美国) 视中国的教育为黄金标准的同时,很多当地都在质疑,指出这教育方式扼杀了创意和创新,而这两项都是国内迫切需要的。



6 thoughts on “时代百大 2011 蔡美儿”

  1. 我不喜欢她的教育方式,个人认为孩子有个快快乐乐的童年更重要一些。

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