
Routes: Featured Artists

《艺途》访问了 12 位旅美华人艺术家,走访他们的工作室,拍摄日常生活,创作的过程,筹备展览的细节安排。这一切的甜酸苦辣,都真实地呈现于银幕,让观众认识艺术创作背后的故事,理解华人艺术家在美国艺坛的重要性和影响力,借此启发观众的思考,欣赏艺术家非一般的心路:如何由零开始,坚持艺术的理想,经历不凡的人生,为美国艺坛带来与别不同的观感,提升美国华人的艺术成就,为华人争光。

崔斐 Cui Fei

崔斐 Cui Fei


By combining found materials from nature such as thorns, tendrils, twigs, leaves, and vines, Cui Fei creates calligraphic installation works that mediate between nature and culture. She treats these natural objects as scriptic or ideogrammatic, as if they were already intimate traces of writing in nature waiting to be read and interfused.

何善影 Ho Sin-Ying

何善影 Ho Sin-Ying

何善影运用传统青花蓝绘画方法,结合景德镇贴花纸印刷转移的技术,创作非一般的陶瓷。她的作品融合新旧的符号,东西方文化,人们追逐技术上改造,语言沟通差异,审美理想面临的文化认同,让人想起21世纪全球化的碰撞的力量和经济勾引。何善影现在任教于纽约城市大学皇后学院 Queens College。

Ho Sin-Ying creates unique sculptural hybrid by digitally transferring popular cultural icons (dragons, Marilyn Monroe, and the Mona Lisa) and cultish corporate logos (Walmart, MacDonald’s and the Dow Jones indexes) from both Chinese and Western cultures onto quintessential Chinese porcelain. Ho is an art professor in Queens College.

胡冰 Hu Bin

胡冰 Hu Bing

胡冰的作品多为混合媒体多材质的雕塑,近年来专注于玻璃材质的表现,作品以西化手法表现,蕴含东方精神为特色。胡冰现为纽约市流行艺术工艺学院 Fashion Institute of Technology 雕塑专业教授。

In Hu Bing’s visually provocative mixed-media installations — assemblems of abandoned objects from daily life (stockings, empty bottles, clothes hangers) — the artist reveals the intimate human aura of these quotidian objects, thus rejuvenating the inner life of their existence.

林延 Lin Yan

林延 Lin Yan


Lin Yan’s sculptural paper collage with delicate soft hand-made paper and ink creates a paradoxical affect of strong, post-industrial feeling, conveys beauty, strength, hope and resilience despite the feeling of nostalgia towards things lost, struggling, or being destroyed.

马欣乐 Ma Xinle

马欣乐 Ma Xinle


Ma Xinle learned traditional Chinese painting from several great masters, including Huang Zhou. He was also a student of C.C. Wang on Chinese painting appraisal. Most of his recent works are horses and ancient characters.

沈瑞筠 Shen Ruijun

沈瑞筠 Shen Ruijun


Shen Ruijun is an artist and a curator. She is very committed to promoting Sino-US cultural exchanges. Her works is her self expression yet give audience room to think about their own life and environment.

宋昕 Song Xin

宋昕 Song Xin


Song Xin transforms ancient Chinese folk art — paper cutting — into a contemporary American context. By using the cutting technique, she creates the illusion of three-dimensionality using visual images found in recycled fashion and entertainment magazines, advertisements, and pornography.

谭力勤 Tan LiQin

谭力勤 Tan LiQin

谭力勤的艺术研究融当代美术观念、先端数字技术和前沿动画理论为一体,独创「数码原始/自然」观念动画与动画装置艺术形式和各种硬质材料的数码印制,赢得艺术界好评。近年他研究观念动画和动画装置新理论,并紧密地与交互、虚拟技术结合。谭现为新泽西州罗格斯大学 Rutgers University 美术系教授。

Tan LiQin’s 3-D installation artwork combines video animation technology and digital prints on wood, metal and leather. He appropriates cutting-edge digital technology to create a new “inter-mediate” art form, which he terms “Digital-Natural Art” to articulate the transcendent symbiosis of the great Dao and human life. Tan teaches digital art in Rutgers University.

韦佳 Wei Jia

韦佳 Wei Jia


Wei Jia’s uses Xuan paper to create collages very much like other artists use pigment, to create color. This labor-intensive process creates fragments of character that become more like symbols than meaning of words. Wei Jia creates a new culture in his work, a cross-culture between East and West. The work examines both his ability and ours to travel between cultures.

张宏图 Zhang Hongtu

张宏图 Zhang Hongtu


Zhang Hongtu works in a variety of media such as painting (sometimes with soy sauce), sculpture, collage, ceramics, digital imaging and installation. His work reflects on themes of authority and belief and cross-cultural ‘East and West’ connections.These themes are largely derived from his “outsider” standing as a Muslim in China and, later, as a Chinese citizen in the Western world.

张鸥 Zhang O

张鸥 Zhang O

张鸥的艺术摄影被评为2008年伦敦 Frieze 艺博会十佳作品之一。由于其独特的生活经历和成就,张鸥应邀在上海文艺出版社出版中文自传《月光不落帝国──从中央美院到皇家美院》,把绘画摄影文学艺术和个人生活融于一体,此书被艺术家徐冰称为是「百年东西文化交流历史的一部份」,多次登上畅销书榜。

Zhang O’s large-scale photographs “Horizon” and “The World Is Yours (But Also Ours)” wrestle with the issues of estrangement, alienation, dislocation, and identity loss symptomatic of young rural girls and urban youth in post-socialist China. She captures them with deep compassion and ingenuity. Her works shows Zhang’s position of sharp critique.

郑连杰 Zheng LianJie

郑连杰 Zheng Lianjie

郑连杰于 1993年 创作的《大爆炸——捆扎丢失的灵魂》长城系列,融入了大地、装置、行为艺术风格于一体,影响了90年代中国当代艺术的发展进成,深具历史意义,因此享誉国际。移居美国纽约的郑连杰,在坚持当代实验水墨创作的同时,仍延续他一贯坚持的、以身体作为表达形式,思考个人与社会在不同的文化场景中所面对的心理挑战。

Zheng Lianjie’s Great Wall series (1993) often considered one of the most important performance works in recent Chinese art. The Great Wall, the monument that most symbolizes China’s national identity, is subject to deconstruction, decomposition, and dissemination. Zheng now focuses more on Dao and humanity.

1 thought on “《艺途》受访艺术家”

  1. Pingback: “Routes” Documentary Series Produced by Fanny Lawren – Fanny 梵影

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