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MOTHERLAND: Zhiyang Played by Sun Xiaoxiao 孫驍驍

Motherland cast: Sun Xiaoxiao as Zhiyang!

《Motherland 祖國》是一個關於三代華裔對「家」有不同理解的雙語話劇。劇中,Zhiyang 志陽由 Sun Xiaoxiao 孫驍驍 飾演。志陽很小的時候就跟着父母弟妹一家從中國移民美國,定居俄勒岡州波特蘭。由於家困,志陽沒機會上大學,提早打工賺錢供養家庭。他與 Tiffany 婷婷婚後幸福,生有一女。當女兒 Iris 計劃到中國當交換生的時候,他的秘密就再蓋不住了。

Born and raised in Shenzhen, China, Xiāo moved to NYC in 2013 for an anthropology master degree at Columbia. His path shifted in 2018 – while attending the Edinburgh Fringe, he was intrigued by the intensity and intimacy of theatre. His acting training is mainly from: Bali, Indonesia (mask & Chekov); Beijing, China (clowning @ The Dome); and New York (Suzuki & Viewpoints; Lucid Body; Musical Theatre @ Adler). He feels a strong resonance with, and is honored to tell this inter-generational & inter-continental Chinese-American story. IG: @sxxinnyc

Directors Amy Pan and Danelle Cummings at ReNew York said:
We’re so happy to have found Xiao! He really explores Zhiyang’s tension of trying to be the best father he can be while also struggling with shame. Xiao is a smart and intuitive actor–he asks all the right questions, and he really understood the heart of the play from the very beginning! We can’t wait for you to see him onscreen!

Motherland Synopsis: A Chinese-American family videochats across literal and metaphorical distances. College freshman Iris’ plans to study abroad in China stir up cultural clashes between her assimilated mother and her grandmother. Meanwhile, her father’s secret struggles threaten if she will be able to go at all.

Motherland will be presented as part of WTFringe 2021 in the Women’s Theatre Festival. Virtual performances to take place on July 16, 17, and 24. Pay what you can!

《Motherland 祖國》被選為美國婦女戲劇節中的劇目,七月 16 / 17 / 24日 網上放映,中英字幕,免費收看,隨緣樂助。訂購鏈接

(Credit: All images and English copy are provided by Danelle Cummings and Amy Pan at ReNew York.)

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