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MOTHERLAND: Sarah Played by Carolyn Stoney

Motherland cast: Carolyn Stoney as Sarah!

《Motherland 祖國》是一個關於三代華裔對「家」有不同理解的雙語話劇。劇中 Carolyn Stoney 飾演 Iris 的閨蜜致友,倆人從出生就一起,彼此了解相助,情同姊妹。可惜她們升讀了不同的大學,分隔兩地,相思很苦。她倆本來計劃一起到中國當交換生,但 Iris 臨行前改變主意。

Carolyn Stoney is a New York based actor and singer. She holds a BA in Theatre from Plymouth State University, she studied abroad at the Gaiety School of Acting, and is a graduate of the NYVC Voice Teacher Training Program. She currently lives on the Upper West Side with her husband and their three cats. IG: @thecarolynstoney

Directors Amy Pan and Danelle Cummings at ReNew York said:
We’re so grateful to have Carolyn! She nails her scenes with comedic brilliance, and provides the play with much needed sweetness and humor! Carolyn is a curious and intentional actor who livens up every scene. It’s been a joy to work with her, and we can’t wait for you to enjoy her too!

Motherland Synopsis: A Chinese-American family videochats across literal and metaphorical distances. College freshman Iris’ plans to study abroad in China stir up cultural clashes between her assimilated mother and her grandmother. Meanwhile, her father’s secret struggles threaten if she will be able to go at all.

Motherland will be presented as part of WTFringe 2021 in the Women’s Theatre Festival. Virtual performances to take place on July 16, 17, and 24. Pay what you can!

《Motherland 祖國》被選為美國婦女戲劇節中的劇目,七月 16 / 17 / 24日 網上放映,中英字幕,免費收看,隨緣樂助。訂購鏈接

(Credit: All images and English copy are provided by Danelle Cummings and Amy Pan at ReNew York.)

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