劉偉在總決賽中,除彈鋼琴外,也演唱了英文名曲 “You Are Beautiful“。香港詩人溫馮月珊在她的《珊珊來詞》專欄中,為劉偉寫了一首同名詩詞。我看了很感動,故在這兒跟大家分享。為方便訪客,我試試翻譯一下,請多指教。
You are beautiful, you truly are — you are an inspiration, a guiding light, a revelation, a role model for anyone struggling to fight incredible odds and adversities. | 你實在優秀美妙, 真的 — 對那些 處於極度困難和逆境中 正奮力戰鬥者, 你正好就像一股精神鼓勵推動力, 一盞指路明燈, 一個啟示, 一個榜樣。 |
You have shown us the strength of character, the power of single-mindedness, the spirit of perseverance, the dignity of living life with honour and respect, that there is no limit to man’s courage and determination, that as we walk through the valley of shadows, we could see light cast by the shadow if we are willing to focus and find it, and the light, no matter how dim, will eventually lead us out of the darkness where life is awaiting us. | 你充分展示了堅韌的力量, 不屈不服的動能, 鍥而不捨的精神, 活出生命的尊嚴,擁有榮譽與尊重, 人類無限的 勇氣和決心。 當我們走過山谷的陰影, 我們可以看到光投下的陰影。 如果我們願意 專注尋找, 那,不管光線 (意指希望) 有多黯淡, 最終會帶領我們走出黑暗, 奔向正等著我們的新生活。 |
When fate took your arms away when you were but ten, you could be frightened, shattered, dismayed, you could be bitter, grudging, sullen, you could be angry, hostile, spiteful, you could be depressed, retiring, withdrawn, but you choose not to be subdued nor damed, discouraged nor crushed, you endure it, challenge it, and rise above it — “There is no rule saying that you can’t do things with your feet,” you said, and indeed you use them to navigate on the computer, eat, dress and brush your teeth. | 當命運把你的雙臂奪走, 你才十歲。 你可能感到害怕,震駭,驚惶, 你可能覺得痛苦,憂怨,悶悶不樂, 你可能會生氣,充滿敵意,懷恨, 你可能甚至沮喪,退縮,離群, 但你選擇不被征服,不築壩, 也不洩氣或氣餒。 你承受它, 挑戰它, 並超越它— 你說:「有沒有規則 說你不能用腳做事」 而事實上 你用雙腳 在電腦上穿梭, 吃東西, 穿衣服 和刷牙。 |
You not only live your life without being a burden to your loved ones, you live it fully, brilliantly, making them so pround of you. | 你不但 沒有成為親人的負累; 你更活得充實 燦爛, 讓他們為你而驕傲。 |
At age 18, you decided to prusue a career in music, using your toes to play the piano, even when your first piano teacher quit, saying it was impossible fo your to succeed, but succeed you did for nothing could stop you from abandoning your dream* and last night, at 23, you wowed a packed hall with your performance of “You’re Beautiful” singing, and using only your toes to play the keys, and won the heart of everyone watching you. You are not just a Chinese but an international hero. (*我相信這句應該是 pursuing dream 而非 abandoning dream) | 18歲的時候, 你決定創一番音樂事業, 用你的腳趾彈奏鋼琴。 即使當你第一位鋼琴教師放棄, 說你是不可能成功的, 你卻成功了。 因為沒有什麼東西能阻止你 實現你的夢想。 而昨天晚上, 23歲的你, 表現出色, 震撼了一整個擁擠的禮堂。 你演唱《美麗的你》, 用你的腳趾把玩琴鍵, 並贏取了觀眾的心。 你不單是中國英雄,更是國際英雄。 |
You have realized your dream by sheer deternination and hard work. You have shown the world that no misfortune is too huge for you, and with your perfect feet, you know you have a bright future ahead of you. | 你以堅定的決心和努力, 已經實現了你的夢想。 你已經向全世界證明, 沒有甚麼不幸是你不能應付的。 有著那雙完美的腳, 你知道你有一個光明的前途。 |
Rest a little now, take a little break, although we know you can’t wait to reach out for the next star and to achieve things that are important to you. | 現在,你可安心點, 休息一下吧…… 縱使我們知道你急不及待 去採摘下一顆明星, 完成一些對你重要的事情。 |
Yes, keep your dreams alive, keep them coming, and keep them coming true. Congratulations, we are very proud of you. | 是的,不要休止你的夢, 讓更多夢想進來, 並把它們現實。 恭喜你, 我們為你而感到驕傲。 |
劉偉的金句:「在我人生中,只有兩條路,要麼趕緊死,要麼精彩地活著。沒有人規定鋼琴只能用手演奏。」他對生命的堅持和積極,實在令人敬佩。早前也曾寫過一篇《殘而不廢 活得精彩》,介紹多位像劉偉一樣的令人振奮的殘障者。透過他們的故事,我希望讀者會更熱愛生命,並努力地活得精彩。
“Do not go where the path may lead; go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson
不要去走有跡可循的路,去踏出一條新路,留下足跡。“To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe.” — Anatole France
為了完成偉大的事情,我們不僅要行動,更要有夢想;不僅要計劃,更要有信心。“Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.” — T.S. Eliot
我沒有收看電視節目,但 Facebook 上有人推薦,後又有推友告知其得獎,詩篇則在美國的中文報章找到的。看,只要你有本事,遠在美國不看中國電視的梵婗都會認識你,呵呵!
那一期我也看了,被震撼了,还有他乐观的生活态度! 😛