Journal 日志

Cherry Blossom 2021

Cherry Blossom 2021. We have to put on masks whenever not on camera. New “norm”?! 沐浴花海,冬去春来。别人枯木待春 她已昙花一现。

Playing Ugly Roles

I love to play roles that I would/should not in my life. 演员是要演活角色,而不是争妍斗丽。

Interviewing Actor Clem Cheung 张鸿坤

In my first zoom interview, Clem Cheung shared many of his funny stories in his acting career. 第一次隔空访问,张鸿坤的演艺生涯趣事多箩萝。

Grew 70 Years In A Week

I’ve grown from 18 years old to 81 years old in a week. 上个星期 18岁,今个星期 81 岁。

“12 Incompetent Jurors” – Thank you.

I had so much fun doing “12 Incompetent Jurors” live streaming play. Great team! Thank Denise Ivanoff for the opportunity. Ain’t I cute in “12 Incompetent Jurors”? Thank Karen Ng for the collages. Love ❤️ them. 《12个无能陪审员》网上直播话剧完满结束,谢谢各位支持。我实在太可爱了 ????

Home Studio in New York City

My 6×6 office at the corner of my apartment in New York City. 搬回纽约市,在家工作。麻雀虽小,五脏俱全。家居浅窄,请莫见笑。