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“We don’t see things as they are. We see them as we are.” – Anaïs Nin
「我們往往不是以事物的本質看事物,我們總是以自己的本質看事物。」– 法國作家Anaïs Nin

英國作家 Peter Hunter 在 Breaking the Mould 一書提到 “There is seldom such a thing as an absolute truth. Everything we see and hear causes us to come to a conclusion about what we have seen or heard based upon our own experiences up to that point… People will make assumptions about others or about situations based on a perception that has been created in the past and has no relevance to the current situation.”


我個人認為要增加情商 (emotional quotient) ,必須明白以上的理念,了解人們的觀點和結論往往是建基於個人自己的過去經驗,學習用不同的觀點角度--包括自己親身經驗以外的--來看事件。當發現對方思想行為的真實背景來源時,你就可以更有效地作出適當的對應。

17 thoughts on “我們所看的都是自身反射”

  1. 我原先也有过类似的想法,有幸与这个作家雷同了~我当时想到的是,世界上没有一个人可以完全理解另一个人;一件事大家的看法也无法完全相同。但我们不能因此就放弃沟通,放弃去了解人和事。记得日本动漫EVA里强大的ATfield,其实正是人心间的壁垒。

    1. 對。美國心理學家Carl Roger, “Self Concept…the organized consistent conceptual gestalt composed of perceptions of the characteristics of ‘I’ or ‘me’ and the perceptions of the relationships of the ‘I’ or ‘me’ to others and to various aspects of life, together with the values attached to these perceptions. It is a gestalt which is available to awareness though not necessarily in awareness. It is a fluid and changing gestalt, a process, but at any given moment it is a specific entity.”

  2. 这个真的有王阳明那套理论的味道,就是“心学”,按照我党的无产阶级唯物教育,这叫做唯心哲学。

  3. 我始终有一个观念——我也不知道自己是在何时并如何形成这种观念的——所谓真理、本质等等诸如此类,都是客观真实存在并可以感知的,但是所有这些被表达出来时都是通过当事者咀嚼过的真理、本质…… 所有这些凡是表达出来的,都只能是无限接近,而无法得到。那些本质的东西,只可意会,语言文字留下的痕迹只是点拨或揭示部分的途径和工具。



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