
Museum of Science In Boston 波士頓科學館

The Museum of Science in Boston is my new favor! It is by far the best science museum I have been to so far. I might have taken pictures in the Science Behind Pixar exhibition only. But trust me, it has way more than that. Check out their website. 我去過十多個科學館,近日參觀的波士頓科學館成了我的新寵兒。該館設有多個展廳,分門別類讓遊客溫故知新。所有展品都超互動,極有趣。大人小孩都會喜歡,絕對好玩,樂在其中長知識,不能錯過! 你看我只在皮克斯動畫室展廳中拍照,實情是波士頓科學館是一個互動的博物館,我只顧着玩,就忘了拍照。下次要拍下視頻分享。 Edna Mode in The… Read More »Museum of Science In Boston 波士頓科學館