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  • Merry Christmas!
  • Merry Xmas!
  • Have a Merry Christmas.
  • Have a Wonderful Xmas!
  • Wish You a Merry Christmas.
  • We Wish You a Merry Christmas.


  • Seasons Greetings!
  • Happy Holidays!
  • Have a Great Holiday Season!
  • Wish You a Joyful Holiday Season.
  • Wishing you a joyous & blessed Holiday Season.


  • Happy New Year!
  • Best wishes for the coming year.
  • Happiest Holiday Wishes!
  • Wish you a happy and prosperous New Year.
  • Wish you a joyful and healthy year ahead.


  • Wish you and your family happy holidays.
  • I wish you all the most wonderful New Year.
  • Happy New Year! From Our Family to Yours…
  • Wishing you and your family a beautiful holiday season and a New Year of peace and happiness.


  • Celebrate the Season of Dreams … May all your dreams come true in 2010!
  • May beautiful moments and happy memories surround you with joy in 2010.
  • May beautiful moments and happy memories surround you during this Holiday Season and always.
  • May the holidays refresh your spirit and bring you new inspiration and happiness.
  • May the Joys of the Holiday Season be with you now and throughout the New Year!
  • May the Love, Peace, and Joy of Christmas be yours always.
  • May this coming year fill your home with Joy, your heart with Love & your life with Laughter.
  • May your New Year be filled with deep wonder.
  • May the holidays refresh your spirit and bestow upon you new Inspiration, Love, Peace, Prosperity, Happiness and Good Health in the New Year.
  • We celebrate New beginnings, goals & plans, hopes & dreams, but most of all… A New Year of Peace, Joy & Happiness!
  • We hope you have a wonderful holiday full of magic & memories!
  • We wish you a great year with all the luck, health and joy.
  • We wish you holiday dreams come true…sweet memories to last the whole year through.
  • Wishing you a bright, star-filled and joyous year.
  • Wishing you the Joy of Family, the Happiness of Friends, and the Love of the Holidays.


24 thoughts on “聖誕英文恭賀語句”

  1. 受用!呵呵,Fanny姐可以开个Twitter英文补习班了~

    = Marry the coming Christmas! =
    = С наступающим раждеством! =
    = 预祝圣诞快乐! =

    多一种语言 多一种快乐!哈哈

  2. Pingback: Tweets that mention 梵婗 » 聖誔英文恭賀語句 --

  3. 看了你很多文章,觉得欠缺包容心态。比如圣诞快乐没必要什么避免宗教尴尬吧,反感的话,不说别过不就行了!这本来就是宗教节日,又不是犹太教、穆斯林哪来的“尴尬”?移居美国那么多年?看来只看到了美国极端和自私的那部分很表面化,还是没看到美国的根本所在。而且很少有人会在圣诞节将祝福语替换成1月1日才说的Happy new year.

    1. 呵呵,這博客純是個人感想分享,不是全面的分析報導,不知這是否就是你所指的「欠缺包容」。
      美國對宗教歧視非常敏感,所以現在很多商人都在賀卡上寫 Happy Holidays 而避免 Merry Christmas。也許我用「尷尬」一詞不太恰當。
      Happy New Year 不一定在元旦才說的,舉例,如果你和朋友在12月20日見面,相信要到明年才會再見面,在臨別時可以說 “Wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year”。另外,如果你和另一朋友於一月初在街上踫到,第一句說話亦可以是 “Hey, Happy New Year! How have you been?” 當然在道別時說亦可。

      1. 呵呵~ 我接触的圈子有限,很多时候我的见解都试图突破管窥蠡测。有时候口无遮拦下了些断定,希望没有破坏这里的气氛。很高兴您如此认真的对待我的留言,这是您从另一个角度告诉我包容的含义,我会继续关注博客。其实从字里行间,获得很多不太明了的事物和不同的见解,是一种收获。

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