I am thrilled that the short film I acted in, Liza Anonymous, is an Official Selection for the 20th annual Tribeca Film Festival! The festival will be happening in-person in NYC, and Liza Anonymous will have its World Premiere in Downtown Manhattan. More information on in-person and virtual tickets coming soon!
我參與拍攝的電影入選 #翠貝卡電影節!將會作全球首映,是正式電影院,不是網上啊!感謝疫苗!雖然我只是超小角色,但也很高興啊!
Liza: @deebeck
Milton: @danielpantss
Diego: Rafael Sardina
Director: @aubreysmyth
Writer: @leahmckendrick
Producers: @kampfire @deebeck @daniel.ornitz @aubreysmyth @brooklynquarter @kampfirefilmspr
DP: @chloecamera
Prod Designer: @daniel.ornitz
Editor: @samantharachelsmith
Original Music & Sound Mix: @jkatcher
Casting: @paladinocasting
BG Casting: @themrcasting_
AD: @mammamakesmovies
Costume Designer: @keelybstyles
HMU: @artistrybygia
Gaffer: @rymcclune
Grip: @edbaranowki @mdlcsquared
BB Electric: @nicholapietroniro
BB Grip: @dianamolinasosa
Sound: @vfilmstory
1st AC: @kirk_naka @alexbock
2nd AC: @maryanne.maxwell
Script Supervisor: @timothyreese
Art Director: @jimmy_dean89
Additional HMU: Ivette Alvarez @ivettealvarez
Colorist: Evan Kultangwatana
Main Title Design: @maryrhymer
PA: Carol Rotella
Cast: @sharongc @lidapida @mad_billz @jillian_avery @laurasogar @kayla_eisenberg @shathayas @wanderaboesjes @john.farnworth.73