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除了傳統的新年立志 New Year’s Resolution 後,西方亦流行在年初為自己撰寫「未來的信」Letter In the Future,很多職場教練 coach 和導師 mentor 都推薦作這個練習。而我亦從兩年前開始做,初時非常懷疑其效果,如今覺得的確有意思。

所謂 Letter In the Future 就是預先編寫一封未來的信。試想想你今年有什麼大計?目標是什麼?有沒有打算做一些以前未做過的事,如游冬泳、看百老匯、參加馬拉松等?你可能覺得世事難料,很難為自己定下全年計劃。但想深一層,如果連你自己也不知道自己想要什麼,世界又如何給你機會呢?


Ask yourself, what do I truly want to see happen next year? Having a hard time answering this question? Well, how will the Universe know what to deliver at your life’s “door steps” if you don’t tell it exactly what you are ordering?

Here is a process that may start those rusty creative wheels turning:

  • Write a letter addressed to anyone you like or just to the Universe.
  • Imagine that it’s December 31st, 2010 and you are writing about the accomplishments from the past 12 months.
  • Write them as if they already happened and describe in detail how you felt about each one, exactly what took place, name names, organizations, situations you were in (example, I attended a Madonna concert and it was incredible. I sat in the 4th row and could smell her perfume).
  • Write about every aspect of your life – professional, personal, spiritual.
  • Some key “rules” of this game:
    • Spend time on it, don’t rush it.
    • Be TOTALLY honest with yourself (no one is going to read it unless you choose to show it to them).
      Visualize EXACTLY what the IDEAL situation would be, no matter how crazy or impossible it may seem. GO FOR IT! It’s just a letter.
    • Imagine what your world would look like if EVERYTHING worked out the way you planned.


  • 寫一封信給一個人或是給全世界。
  • 想像已到了年終12月31日,回憶今年的成績。
  • 寫的時候要當作一切已經發生了(對,像是發白日夢一樣),盡力詳細交代細節,包括人物、地點、感覺等。
  • 所謂的成績不一定是高功偉業,可能是升職、考上研究所、每天晨操、學習太極、在台上表演、學懂唱K不走音……等。信中的成就必須包括生活的各方面,如職業、學業、個人興趣、心靈精神上的。
  • 一些需注意的規則:
    • 不要著急,花多一點時間認真地想清楚。
    • 對自己坦絕對的白,反正除了你自己,沒有人會看你這封信,不需要虛偽。
    • 不要畏首畏尾,就當一切順利的好了。

信的目的其實是要你 dream big,為自己訂下高而實際的目標。如能徹底地、完全認真地思考和撰寫所有細節,你會在過程中發現應該如何達到目標。有了一封實質的信件,你會更有動力去朝著理想方向邁進。



39 thoughts on “未來的信”

  1. 我的2010年,总体计划我有做好,但是,想想就觉得有些后怕,自己一个人,怕自己完成不了。 😡

  2. Pingback: Tweets that mention 未來的信 « 梵婗 --

  3. 姐姐在美國?很有韻味的部落格呢,我對新一年的信都寫在自己的空間了,接下來就是去實現他們!;)

  4. 我現在感到練習中國文字的和閱讀技巧是對個人的前途很重要的. 以後在美國的中國人很可能跟中國作交易. 很可能很多的人會回中國定居.

    “Chinese New Year”

    The article predicts that there will be transfer of jobs in the United States to the mainland China.

    1) “China has become a major financial and trade power.”
    2) “With employment less than full … all the debunked mercantilistic arguments” — that is, claims that nations who subsidize their exports effectively steal jobs from other countries — “turn out to be valid.”

  5. 很有意思,很多人大多数时候目光都很短,只看到离鼻尖不远的那么一片。这样的活动其实能让人的目光放得更远,人还是需要有前瞻性和全局观的!

  6. 给自己一个期许!看看对自己的期待~


  7. Pingback: 寫信給未來的我 « 梵婗 Fanny Lawren

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