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Charity is to prove humanity, not popularity.

Give Back Your Foundation

Kit Chan is a good friend of mine. She and several others started a non-profit with no paid staff and admin cost. She signed up to the program hoping to win US$50,000 to help disadvantaged children. She was leading until few days ago a social megaphone joined and changed the landscape.

好友 Kit Chan 向來熱心公益,與幾位要好建立一慈善基金,各人出錢出力,基金全數作慈善用途,沒有任何其他開支。Kit 數月前參加 的活動,希望嬴取五萬美元以助弱勢兒童。本來她一直領先,但近日卻被一網上紅人強勢搶攻。

Most people may think: as long as the money goes to the needy, it doesn’t matter who wins. But to me, the right attitude is very important. I hate someone steps on those who try to help. I hate people hurt others just to prove they can and because they are popular.


I ask for your support. Please sign up the GiveBack program through Kit’s referral link No donation needed. Nothing to buy either. Just click “Connect with Facebook” – that’s it. If you do not have a Facebook account, you can sign up manually too. On the top right corner of the landing page, fill in your email address, set password; then, check the first box to agree the terms and click SIGN UP. On the setting page, type in the two words for security verification and click SAVE CHANGES. No need to complete the form if you don’t want to.

我懇請大家助 Kit 一把,點擊她的轉介鏈接 ,不用捐錢也無需購買任何東西。如有 Facebook 帳號,按 “Connect with Facebook” 即可。則可輸入電郵登記,方法如下:在網頁的右上角,填上電郵和自選密碼,加選第一個方格,再按 “Sign up”。在查核頁上,輸入驗證碼,按 “Save Changes” 即可,無須填寫其他資料。

Closing date for the contest is this Sunday, July 17th 10:59am EST. Please help spread the word. Thank you a million. Below is Kit’s open note for your reference. You can also see her web post at

競逐活動美東時間週日上午 10:59 截止 (中港時間週日晚上 10:59),,希望各位大力廣轉,萬謝。以下是 Kit 向友人發的郵件作參考。

8 weeks ago, I signed up with to win $50,000 for my own non profit which helps disadvantaged children. After hundreds of emails, phone calls and visits to spread the word for GiveBack, I had a comfortable lead. Then in the last week of the contest, someone else became the leader. He seems not care which charity will take the 50K as long as he wins the contest. See details at his website

I am pleading for help, all it takes is a click to sign up with my referral link: I get 50 points for every sign up. Nothing to buy, no donation needed. I am 20,000 points behind the leader. And only 2 days left of this contest. Please help sign up now.

謝謝各位支持!Kit 最終雖未能得到最高票數,但以亞軍嬴得一萬美元,她將用這獎金為美國華人學生提供課後輔導培訓的獎學金。詳見:

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