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英文慰問語句 — 早日康復



不應怪環境,都怪自己沒有在這方面好好學習。遲學比不學的好,現在收集了一些 Get Well Messages 作參考,以便日後使用:


“Just wanted you to know that I’m thinking of you and wish you a speedy recovery! Hope to see you up and around soon.”

“We miss your smiling face here at work, but we hope you take the time needed to rest and recover. Feel better, and we’ll see you soon!”

“You are missed! I’m wishing you a speedy recovery so that I can see you soon!”

“The fish are starting to take over the lake. Hurry up and get well soon or the conservation department will have to be notified!”

“John is tired of eating mac and cheese, and he almost burned the house down last week. Please get well soon so that you can be in charge again!”

“The sooner you’re out, the sooner we’re drinking wine again. Get well soon! You are missed!”

“I am making all kinds of life mistakes without your close supervision and advice. Get well soon before I make a real mess of things!”

作者:Resha Jirage

“Please know that our thoughts and prayers are with you during your recovery.”

“Smiles are the best medicine. Here’s a generous dose!”

“May the little flower, laying in gloom, Rise and bloom,
Swaying endlessly, this way and that way,
Morn to dusk, everyday. Get Well Soon!”

“May family and friends bring you strength, comfort, and support to get well quickly!”

“Be the sky above you,
Blue soft be the road below you,
Affection be the breeze around you,
I pray all the happiness surrounds you.
Get Well Soon”

“We hope you get well soon because you are too special to be sick.”

“I very well know the reason,
Why u r taking too long to recover,
U r really being nurse-d there.
Joke a part, but still,
Wishing u speedy recovery.”

“Prescription to feel better? Take this gift and I’ll call you in the morning.”

“You mean a lot to me…
And so does your Health and Happiness.
So here’s a wish to say
Take good care of Yourself !”

“Sending you healing thoughts and a little sunshine to brighten your day.”

“Take good care of yourself, friend.
We hope to see you up and
Running and back at garden again.
The place just isn’t the same without you.”

“You have places to go, people to see, lots of fun times to be enjoyed. Get well soon.”

“Sending you healing thoughts and a little sunshine to brighten your day.”

“Heard that you’re not feeling well.
So brought flowers for you to
Make you feel Healthier and Happier.
Get Well Soon!”

“You are feeling down
And so am I with you not around.
Hope you get back in
The swing of things real soon.”

“Hope this happy get-well note
Adds sunshine to your day –
And shows you that you’re thought of
In a warm and special way!”

“You are in our thoughts,
And we’re all
Hoping that you will be
Enjoying better health again soon.”


“I wish I had a magic wand
To make it go away.
I’d wave my scepter over you
Until you were okay.”

“Difficulties do not come to destroy you,
But to help you
Realize your hidden potential & power.
Let difficulties know that you are difficult to defeat.
Get Well Soon!”

“Here’s us hoping avidly
Your recovery will be trouble free
And very soon we shall see
you fit as fit can be.”

“May the little flower, laying in gloom, rise & bloom
Swaying endlessly, this way and that way
Morn to dusk, everyday. Get Well Soon.”

“I hope you are feeling better.
I miss you every day.
I’m always thinking of you.
So this is what I say
‘Get Well Soon!'”

“Get well soon, you lazy bum
There’s lots of work to do
If you stay sick, there’s more work for me
And I’d rather it was for you.”

“Lets Go, Get Up, Stop Faking It
Get Your Sorry Behind Off the Bed
Get Back to Work
Your Illness Is All In Your Head
At least That’s What We Hope
Looking Forward to Your Return
Get Well Soon.”

“Take care of yourself my friend.
We hope to see you up and running and back again.
The place isn’t the same without u.”

“If Wishes Were Flowers
I’d Send you A Big Bunch to Say…
‘Get Well Soon'”

8 thoughts on “英文慰問語句 — 早日康復”

  1. 同感!学生时代基本上学得全部是商务应用英语,闲暇时和美国同事聊天马上就发觉不够用了,加紧看书看电视看新闻还是觉得不够,更不用要写篇很美丽的文章来安慰人的了。多谢Fanny, 此文需加精收藏。:)

    1. 相信不少華人都和你我一樣。今天我又發現多幾句簡單合用的 get well messages,收集多幾天,將會更新上文。

  2. 學習了,謝謝! 🙂

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