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To Friedes Valbuena

Dearest Friedes,

I still can’t believe it. We were talking on the phone one day, and we are apart forever the next day. Everything was so sudden, so unexpected and so fast. I can’t believe it.

ERG, PARC, DB, TM… all of these are because of you — your 120% dedication, your never-give-up attitude, your great attention to details and your selfless kindness. Thank you for everything.

It won’t be the same here without you. But do not worry. You had already laid the good groundwork. We will follow the paths and make you be proud of us, for we want to show you how much we are proud of you.

Rest In Peace
by ŦōüċhÌήğ ỀνĬĽ

When the clouds part and a ray of sun shines through
We look to the sky; and think of you.

You see our tears and feel our ache
We breathe you in with each breath we take

There is no need to miss, what is not gone
For you are right here, where you belong

You are the suns warmth on our face
Guiding us through this dark place

You are the whisper of the wind through the night.
That gentle sparkle in a stars light

You are the colors of the rainbow after a summers rain
Dazzling, vivid colors nothing could ever tame

You are the elegance found after a first snow
That small, beautiful, blinding glow

You made your own path from the start
And we continue to carry your footprints on our heart

When we stop to think of all we miss
Look around and think of this

Something so special & rare could never fade
& That is how we know you stayed

Because when the clouds part and that ray of sun shines through
We will smile, knowing that glimmer is you.

Friedes, we love you. We will miss you. But if you got the call, go. Start your next journey. We will meet eventually anyway.

Rest in peace, my friend.

Love you forever,
Fanny and the team

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