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上個週末,當代藝術聯網 (Contemporary Art Network) 聯合一眾畫家及無國界醫生組織 (Doctors Without Borders) ,舉辦了一個慈善義賣畫展,為海地地震災民籌款。價值 US$500-$5,000 的畫,每幅一口價 $100,我當然不會放過機會。

可惜我遲到 20 分鐘,到場時三個展廳中,就只剩下半個廳的畫,我的選擇由本來的數百幅變為三十來幅。最吸引我注意的幾張偏偏又屬於悲悽,不宜放在有小孩的家。最後選擇了這一張,非常滿意。


作畫的是來自南斯拉夫,現居美國康州的 Marija Pavlovich McCarthy。這張畫令我想起廿多年前我擁有的第一張油畫,很懷念那失去的畫、人和事……


“Art is a lie that makes us realize truth.” — Pablo Picasso


“You use a glass mirror to see your face; you use works of art to see your soul” — George Bernard Shaw


“Art enables us to find ourselves and lose ourselves at the same time.” — Thomas Merton




60 thoughts on “海地慈善義賣畫展”

    1. 我開始也是這樣想的,但是,我覺得又不對。
      我們不能因為懷疑捐款會被貪污而不捐款,這樣反而體現出了我們捐款的不誠意,捐不捐款是我們的事情,貪污與否又是另外一回事,前者體現了我們的愛心,而后者體現的是貪污者的黑心! 😉

      1. 话虽如此,但是我们捐的款都变成了贪官的豪宅,而真正需要帮助的人,无法得到帮助,我们的爱心无法传达,那还有什么意义呢

  1. 博主好有爱心 😛 腾讯有个捐助贫困先天性心脏病儿童救助的月捐活动,我参加了一份。
    博主,您看到的那篇是我置顶的文章,去年发布的,标题没变,但里面的一些下载链接我一直在更新。另外,下面的其他文章我也是经常更新的。 :mrgreen:

  2. Pingback: Tweets that mention 海地慈善義賣畫展 « 梵婗 --

      1. 呵呵,对于播放国外的苦难、灾害、坏事国内媒体一向是不遗余力的,对于非洲、南美国家的穷困中国老百姓都知道。记得上次说美国次贷危机,美国人都失业了,有人在山区里问个老妈妈有什么想法,老妈妈说想捐点鸡蛋给美国的兄弟姐妹呢

    1. 我相信在這活動中,各人都是真心想幫的。

  3. The Best Chinese Blog

    😉 Your blog can be the best among all the Chinese blogs. I took peeks at few other Chinese blogs. They all contain useless information. Yours are much interesting to read. If there were any voting, I pick yours as the best.

    1. Thank you for your compliment.
      You should consider having one too. It is a good way to express yourself and keep a record of all your thoughts. It doesn’t matter if it is in English or Chinese. Bilingual would work too.

  4. I agree that your site is certainly one of the best of the best among the Chinese websites I’ve been reading.
    Your comments 我相信在這活動中,各人都是真心想幫的。
    Well said.
    However, it is a real concern that whether money we donated can reach those people in need quick enough? To that end, for disasters as Haiti’s many Rotarians donate our money to purchase Shelter Boxes. Please read:

    1. I feel everyone should give to charities, especially during this tough time. The money donated also helps to stimulate the economy. The money can pass through various sectors of the economy, which would generate revenues for all businesses that receive the money.

    2. That’s definitely a concern. I heard the country transportation infrastructure was so bad that loads of aid got stuck at the airport. What a shame!
      Read the Rotary Club article, shelter boxes are great. Was that your idea?

  5. 你这里都成了中西文化纽带了哈,有不少外国朋友来看你。呵呵
    我订阅了,以后常来,也能学学(xiáoxiáo)英语,更是想关注你的博文啦。 😛

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