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平頂山  Flattop Mountain, Anchorage, AK

阿拉斯加境內大大小小的山徑多得很,喜歡行山 hiking 的人絕對會愛上它。我對行山興趣一般,只能說是愛看風景,故願意行山。既然來到阿拉斯加,那就當然要行山。

在安克雷奇 Anchorage 附近,最有名的行山徑,要算是平頂山山徑 Flattop Mountain Trail。平頂山山高 3,510英尺 (1,070米) ,這兒有很多的野果,是採醬果 berry picking 的首選,可惜季節時令不乎,我們沒機會採果,但這不減平頂山的魅力,山上的景色實在美極,很高興我能夠和女兒到此一遊。

1. 已十年沒行山了,再次愛上這玩意。Haven’t hiked for 10 years. Love it.

2. 看來女兒也喜歡行山。Looks like the girls love hiking too.

3. 好動的孩子對爬山比行山更有興趣。Children prefer climbing to hiking. They are full of beans.

4. 親看目睹跳山經過,驚心動魄!Witnessed someone jumped from the top of the mountain. Pretty scary!

5. 似乎位處高峯時,什麼都更美麗。Everything looks prettier when you are high up.

6. 你能看見對面的雪白冰山嗎?腳下的就是安克雷奇 Anchorage 。Can you see the white mountain across the city?

7. 在綠油油的草地上,看到一片片的雪白冰川,感覺很浪漫動人。There are still some glacier in the nearby mountains.

8. 這山徑有很多梯級,彷彿是另類藝術品。This trail has lots of stairs — a different form of art.

9. 除了景色外,最能吸引我注意的就是各種花兒。Other than the scenery, the flowers get most of my attention.

10. 這兒的蒲公英又多又大,女兒和我吹得不亦樂乎。The girls and I have some much fun blowing the super-sized dandelions — lots of them.

11. 我愛上了這兒的野花,日後上載更多相片分享。I love the wildflowers in Alaska. Will share more pictures in the future.

12. 松果荗盛且芬香,惜不能記存。The pine cones smell so good. Wish I could save it.


13 thoughts on “阿拉斯加(二)平頂山”

  1. 3. 好動的孩子對爬山比行山更有興趣。Children prefer climbing to hiking. They are full of beans.

    唔,怎么爬上去的、 、

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