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韓國鮑參宴 Treasures of the Sea - Korean Dried Abalone and Sea Cucumber

活動策劃由 Definity Marketing 的 Wendy Chan 親自主理。
Wendy Chan at Treasures of the Sea - Korean Dried Abalone and Sea Cucumber

活動由著名廚藝節目 Top Chef 的 Lee Anne Wong 主持。
Lee Anne Wong at Treasures of the Sea - Korean Dried Abalone and Sea Cucumber

韓國鮑參宴 Treasures of the Sea - Korean Dried Abalone and Sea Cucumber

韓國鮑參宴 Treasures of the Sea - Korean Dried Abalone and Sea Cucumber

韓國鮑參宴 Treasures of the Sea - Korean Dried Abalone and Sea Cucumber

韓國鮑參宴 Treasures of the Sea - Korean Dried Abalone and Sea Cucumber

冷艷鮑片石榴紅 Sliced Abalone and Pomegranate with Mustard Dressing
冷艷鮑片石榴紅 Sliced Abalone and Pomegranate with Mustard Dressing

參藏畢露鮑清天 Sea Cucumber Terrine in Clear Abalone Broth Aspic
參藏畢露鮑清天 Sea Cucumber Terrine in Clear Abalone Broth Aspic

雀巢原汁燴海參 Sautéed Sea Cucumber with Reduction Sauce on Fried Taro Nest
雀巢原汁燴海參 Sautéed Sea Cucumber with Reduction Sauce on Fried Taro Nest

鮑魚蠔菇火腿夾 Abalone, Ham and Mushroom Sandwich Garnished with Scallion and Cilantro
鮑魚蠔菇火腿夾 Abalone, Ham and Mushroom Sandwich Garnished with Scallion and Cilantro

迷你荷葉珍珠雞 Sticky Rice with Chicken, Abalone, Sea Cucumber & Chestnut Wrapped in Lotus Leaf
迷你荷葉珍珠雞 Sticky Rice with Chicken, Abalone, Sea Cucumber & Chestnut Wrapped in Lotus Leaf

甜品:薑汁余仁生官燕釀晶梨 Dessert: Eu Yan Sang Bird’s Nest in Riesling Ginger Syrup with Poached Asian Pear
甜品:薑汁余仁生官燕釀晶梨 Dessert: Eu Yan Sang Bird's Nest in Riesling Ginger Syrup with Poached Asian Pear

我很喜歡當日由 Tavalon 提供的名菜,清香甘甜。
Tavalon 提供的名菜,清香甘甜

Tavalon 提供的名菜,清香甘甜

韓國鮑參宴許建南 Treasures of the Sea - Korean Dried Abalone and Sea Cucumber

出席盛會,遇著兩位有風度的紳士多好,呵呵!要多謝美國紐約華人總商會會長余建業 John Yu 及 News China 的行政總裁滕绍駿 Fred Teng。
美國紐約華人總商會會長余建業 John Yu 及 News China 的行政總裁滕绍駿 Fred Teng

很高興認識市府代表 Morgan Jones,他不但說得一口流利的普通話,更會上海話和粵語,我立時被比下去了。
認識市府代表 Morgan Jones

這二位紐約華埠的大佬 —— 紐約林氏集團主席林建中 John Lam 及星島報業美東行政總裁梅建國 Robin Mui —— 可以說是看著我這丫頭長大的,嘻嘻!
紐約林氏集團主席林建中 John Lam 及星島報業美東行政總裁梅建國 Robin Mui

宴會由寶榮行食品中心贊助,我很高興看到華商第二代助家族管理有關中華文化的生意。相中的西人女仕 Ann Volkwein 寫了一本《紐約中國城》,在某些層面,她比我們華人更認識華埠。
Ann Volkwein at Treasures of the Sea - Korean Dried Abalone and Sea Cucumber

怎能不與宴會的「幕後黑手」 Wendy Chan 拍照留念呢? 謝謝 Wendy 令我大飽口福,並對韓國鮑魚加深認識。
Wendy Chan at Treasures of the Sea - Korean Dried Abalone and Sea Cucumber

8 thoughts on “韓國鮑參宴”

  1. 鲍鱼⋯⋯好奢侈啊,上海人吃吃油爆鱼就行了,呵呵,别怕被比下去,有机会的话可以交流一下上海闲话 🙂

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