偶然發現多個有關 pocket 袋子的英文諺語,在此與大家分享。
To Have Someone In One’s Pocket
To have someone in one’s pocket,字面翻譯為把一個人裝在袋中,比喻完全控制了一個人。
She has her husband in her pocket.
她丈夫完全在她掌握之中。You will lose if you can’t get him in your pocket.
如果你不能完全控制他,你定會輸掉/失敗。He wishes he had the world in his pocket.
To Line One’s Pockets
Pocket money 是零用錢,但當錢多得裝滿了袋子時,就要把袋子縫線,免得漏瀉。To line one’s pockets* 就是指發了財,賺了大錢。
* 注意:這裡必須用複數 pockets。
He has lined his pockets already.
他已發財了。I won the third prize only. It is not enough for me to line my pockets. I will still have to work.
Money burns a hole in someone’s pocket
Money burns a hole in someone’s pocket,字面翻譯是錢把袋中燒了個洞,比喻人一有錢就會花光。
If money burns a hole in your pocket, you never have any for emergencies.
如果你有多少便花多少的話,你永遠都不能為緊急事務作準備。He doesn’t have any savings. Money burns a hole in her pocket.
Shrouds have no pockets.
Shroud 是裹屍布,裹屍布當然沒有袋子。Shrouds have no pockets 喻意死後甚麼物質也不能帶走。
You should donate some of your collections. Shroud have no pockets.
你應當把部分收藏捐獻,反正也帶不到棺材去。You have enough money. Why bother to work so hard? Enjoy life. Shroud have no pockets.
to line one’s pockets 没必要加 to,直接 line one’s pockets 或者 line pockets 就可以了
加 to 是使之在解釋文句中成為完整的 phrase ,在一般使用時當然要將 to line 改為適當的時間式動詞,希望例句會有幫助。至於需否 one’s 便要視乎內容。