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The air is cool the season fall
Soon Halloween will come to all
The spooks are after things to do

In fact, a spook brought this to you
“BOO” is a shield from witching hour
Just hang it up and watch its power
On your front door is where it hangs
It wards off spooks and bats with fangs
The treats that came with crypted note
Are yours to keep, enjoy them both
The power comes when friends like you
Will copy this and make it TWO
Then others here among our friends
Will give warm fuzzies that do not end
We’ll all have smiles upon our faces
No one will know who “BOO”ed whose places
And don’t forget a nifty treat
Like something cute or something sweet
Please join the fun, Let’s really hear it
And spread some “BOO”s and Halloween spirit

原來我被 Boo 「噓」了!「咒語」下方有一些指示:

“You’ve Been Boo’d”

  • Now it’s your turn to Boo two other people in the neighborhood.
  • You should Boo these people within 2 days of receiving your treat.
  • Hang the ghost on your front door so that everyone can see that you have been “Boo’d” and will not Boo you again. This will also let you know who you can Boo.
  • Fill 2 bags with candy and treats. Copy this letter and the ghost twice. Include treats, letter, and ghost in your bag of goodies for the neighbors that you choose.
  • After dark, and only with an adult, Boo 2 of your neighbors. Do not let the person that you are Boo’ing see you, for it adds to the fun of it all. Place the treat bag on the doorstep, ring the doorbell and run!
  • It will be fun to see how many ghosts will appear in our neighborhood by Halloween.
  • Please keep it safe and enjoy!



1 thought on “萬聖節的遊戲"Boo"”

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