Routes: The Spiritual Odyssey
Routes is a captivating series of live TV documentaries produced by Fanny Lawren. The show beautifully unveils the creative odyssey of 12 Chinese artists in the United States. It takes the audience on a mesmerizing journey through the artists’ studios, their daily lives, the intricate creative process, and the meticulous preparations for exhibitions. Every nuance of their experiences, from the sweet moments to the bitter challenges, is vividly portrayed on screen.
Through these intimate glimpses into the artists’ lives, the program aims to enlighten the audience about the profound stories that underpin artistic creation and highlight the significant influence of Chinese artists in the American art world. The series seeks to inspire viewers and prompt them to deeply appreciate the remarkable determination of these artists. Starting from the ground up, unwaveringly upholding their artistic ideals, and leading resoundingly extraordinary lives, they bring a fresh perspective to the American art scene, elevating the artistic accomplishments of Chinese Americans and garnering well-deserved recognition for the Chinese people.
《藝途》乃一系列電視實況紀錄片,由梵影 Fanny Lawren 監製,介紹 12 位旅美華人藝術家的創作心路歷程,走訪他們的工作室,拍攝日常生活,創作的過程,籌備展覽的細節安排,這一切的甜酸苦辣,真實地為觀眾呈現於銀幕。
Ancient Wisdom for Everyone
Ancient Chinese philosophy and strategies have consistently guided global leaders to negotiate deals, grow businesses, and manage resources successfully. These timeless principles are not just for business, but for life itself. Tune in to the podcast Ancient Wisdom for Everyone with Fanny Lawren to discover the practical applications of ancient Chinese wisdom.
Fanny doesn’t just translate and explain the original Chinese quotes into English; she also draws from historical examples and business case studies to demonstrate how these ancient teachings are still relevant today. The Art of War, The Thirty-Six Stratagems, The Analects of Confucius, and Tao Te Ching hold practical wisdom that can significantly impact your goals and overall quality of life.

Show Host and Event Emcee 節目主持
Fun with Fanny is a TV cooking show in Cantonese starring Fanny Lawren.