MOTHERLAND: Wenjing Played by Fanny Lawren 梵影

Motherland cast: Fanny Lawren as Wenjing! 《Motherland 祖國》是一個關於三代華裔對「家」有不同理解的雙語話劇。劇中 Fanny Lawren 梵影 飾演 Tiffany 的母親 Wenjing 芠菁,她和丈夫辛苦帶着一對子女移民美國,後因誤會,倆老返回中國。她一直渴望女兒多回國探望,可惜事與願違。當她知道外孫 Iris 計劃到中國當交換生時,歡喜若狂,但 Iris 臨行前,女兒家發生事故。 My profile: Besides acting on camera and on stage, Fanny Lawren also develops podcasts and emcees events in Cantonese, Mandarin and English. Fanny used to have a lifestyle show called, “Fun with Fanny” which was… Read More »MOTHERLAND: Wenjing Played by Fanny Lawren 梵影

MOTHERLAND: Sarah Played by Carolyn Stoney

Motherland cast: Carolyn Stoney as Sarah! 《Motherland 祖國》是一個關於三代華裔對「家」有不同理解的雙語話劇。劇中 Carolyn Stoney 飾演 Iris 的閨蜜致友,倆人從出生就一起,彼此了解相助,情同姊妹。可惜她們升讀了不同的大學,分隔兩地,相思很苦。她倆本來計劃一起到中國當交換生,但 Iris 臨行前改變主意。 Carolyn Stoney is a New York based actor and singer. She holds a BA in Theatre from Plymouth State University, she studied abroad at the Gaiety School of Acting, and is a graduate of the NYVC Voice Teacher Training Program.… Read More »MOTHERLAND: Sarah Played by Carolyn Stoney

MOTHERLAND: Iris Played by Isabel Chen 陳韻如

Motherland cast: Isabel Chen as Iris! 《Motherland 祖國》是一個關於三代華裔對「家」有不同理解的雙語話劇。劇中,大學生 Iris 由 Isabel Chen 陳韻如 飾演。Iris 出生於美國俄勒岡州波特蘭,家中獨女,萬千寵愛在一身。大學時候搬到三藩市,那裡華人眾多,環境讓她改變了對華人和中國文化的想法。當她計劃到中國當交換生的時候,才發現原來她一直都被瞞騙。 Isabel Chen is a Taiwanese American NYC-based actor, director, and podcast host of acting asian. She is passionate about storytelling the dimensionality of the AAPI experience and she is currently working on her directorial debut film, Mei-Wan. She hopes to continue… Read More »MOTHERLAND: Iris Played by Isabel Chen 陳韻如

MOTHERLAND: Zhiyang Played by Sun Xiaoxiao 孫驍驍

Motherland cast: Sun Xiaoxiao as Zhiyang! 《Motherland 祖國》是一個關於三代華裔對「家」有不同理解的雙語話劇。劇中,Zhiyang 志陽由 Sun Xiaoxiao 孫驍驍 飾演。志陽很小的時候就跟着父母弟妹一家從中國移民美國,定居俄勒岡州波特蘭。由於家困,志陽沒機會上大學,提早打工賺錢供養家庭。他與 Tiffany 婷婷婚後幸福,生有一女。當女兒 Iris 計劃到中國當交換生的時候,他的秘密就再蓋不住了。 Born and raised in Shenzhen, China, Xiāo moved to NYC in 2013 for an anthropology master degree at Columbia. His path shifted in 2018 – while attending the Edinburgh Fringe, he was intrigued by the intensity and intimacy… Read More »MOTHERLAND: Zhiyang Played by Sun Xiaoxiao 孫驍驍

MOTHERLAND: Tiffany Played by Christine Fang 方小怡

Motherland cast: Christine Fang as Tiffany. 《Motherland 祖國》是一個關於三代華裔對「家」有不同理解的雙語話劇。劇中,Tiffany 婷婷由 Christine Fang 方小怡 飾演。婷婷小時候從中國移民美國,定居俄勒岡州波特蘭,很艱難才適應當地生活。熱愛藝術的她喜歡美國文化,與傳統的母親有點隔膜。當婷婷的女兒 Iris 計劃到中國當交換生的時候,家中發生事故,迫令她對生活重新定位。 Christine Fang is an actor who lives in New York. She’s so excited to be playing Tiffany in Motherland, a character she’s colored in with her own experience as a child of an immigrant. This is also the first time… Read More »MOTHERLAND: Tiffany Played by Christine Fang 方小怡

MOTHERLAND: A Play About Chinese American 雙語話劇

I am thrilled to be part of MOTHERLAND, a bilingual play being featured in Women’s Theatre Festival 2021. Virtual performances to take place on July 16, 17, and 24. Tickets are paid what you can with suggested donation of $10. 我很高興能夠參與一個關於三代華裔對「家」有不同理解的雙語話劇《Motherland 祖國》!《Motherland 祖國》被選為美國婦女戲劇節中的劇目,七月 16 / 17 / 24日 網上放映,中英字幕,免費收看,隨緣樂助。訂購鏈接。 Sometimes, families just don’t click. Motherland… Read More »MOTHERLAND: A Play About Chinese American 雙語話劇

Museum of Science In Boston 波士頓科學館

The Museum of Science in Boston is my new favor! It is by far the best science museum I have been to so far. I might have taken pictures in the Science Behind Pixar exhibition only. But trust me, it has way more than that. Check out their website. 我去過十多個科學館,近日參觀的波士頓科學館成了我的新寵兒。該館設有多個展廳,分門別類讓遊客溫故知新。所有展品都超互動,極有趣。大人小孩都會喜歡,絕對好玩,樂在其中長知識,不能錯過! 你看我只在皮克斯動畫室展廳中拍照,實情是波士頓科學館是一個互動的博物館,我只顧着玩,就忘了拍照。下次要拍下視頻分享。 Edna Mode in The… Read More »Museum of Science In Boston 波士頓科學館

New England Aquarium in Boston 波士頓新英格蘭水族館

The New England Aquarium is one of the major attractions in Boston. I particularly like the penguin exhibition. 新英格蘭水族館是波士頓遊客必到之地。我個人覺得也不錯,但不致於驚喜,只怪我到過太多更精彩的水族館。

Boston Common & The Public Garden 波士頓公共公園

Spending a day in Boston Common. It is one of the oldest parks in America — over 350 years old. The Public Garden was the first public botanical garden in the U.S. A lot of history. Simple and relaxing. 遊走美國波士頓公共公園,它是美國最早的公共公園,三百多年,歷史悠久。公園設施簡約,就只有兩個湖、幾個石像紀念碑和大片的草地。湖上的行人橋是該地的景點,遊人可以乘天鵝小船跨過橋底,別有一番風味。

Boston Chinatown 波士頓唐人街

Visiting Boston Chinatown. On the archway, it says “The World Belongs To All” by Sun Yat-sen. On the ground, I found some interesting bricks on the sidewalk. Each represents a blessing: Prosperity, Fortune, Longevity, Joy and Wealth. Which one do you want to have? 到美國波士頓唐人街當遊客,城門牌坊寫着孫中山的座右銘「禮義廉恥,天下為公」。在旁的行人路上,刻有多個祝福賀詞:福、祿、壽、禧、財。我比較貪心,希望樣樣都有。你呢?